Samples orderchange
You can order separate materials here, these are always unprinted.
Price and delivery date are calculated automatically
Text margin
Price and delivery date are calculated automatically
/ 1 Screenshot
Submit your document as a PDF. Our system also accepts other file types, this will be automatically converted to PDF (note: check the layout after this conversion or check our explanation about converting your document to PDF yourself).
Voor experts: Submit as PDF/X-1a:2001, color profile Fogra39L, CMYK, 300dpi, fonts embedded and 3mm bleed.
Submit document as:
You can submit in a different sizing, which will be automatically scaled to the chosen size. View the result using the preview. On this page you can read more information about how to set a (different) size in your design program
Don't put texts / important figures to close to the edge, leave a small empty space of at least 5mm from the edge 5mm distance. Read at this page more information.
When designing a frame, a possible machine deviation is quickly disturbing, therefore we recommend that the edge of the frame be at least 4mm width. The maximum machine deviation is 1mm (so the left frame can 2mm deviate from the right frame). Read more information about frameworks at this page
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No, continue YesThe order form will be filled in with the specifications that are predetermined by , there is also a file here () attached. Do you want to use this file?
Dit bericht sluit in seconden.
You have selected multiple files. Drag the files in the desired order to determine the order of printing.
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