Longer opening hours

We were already open 7 days a week to place, and collect your order. But we have extended our opening hours even more!

New opening hours

During the week (Monday to Thursday) we are open from 8:00 am to 9:30 pm. And now we are even longer open on Fridays and weekends! You can now visit us on Fridays from 8:00 AM to 8:00 PM. And on weekends from 8:00 am to 6:00 pm. This means you have even longer to collect your order.

Did you know that if you place your order as "urgent" before 1:00 PM, you can pick it up the same day? Your package will then be ready for you at 4:00 PM. And if you order urgently before 10:00 PM, it will be ready for you the next morning at 10:00 AM. This way, you will always have your orde on time!

Even if you do not come to collect your order, these opening hours are interesting. Because it means that we work longer to complete all orders! This way we can offer the highest guarantee of getting your order to your home on time. Our team is busy from early in the morning to late at night to get the orders out the door.

Do you also need an order quickly? All our products can be found via the following link:
