The most-used print work for a new company

Are you about to start a company and do you want to promote your company in the best way possible? At Print&Bind we can help you with a variety of print work. For promotional material, we recommend printing business cards, stickers, and flyers. Although a lot of things are happening online nowadays, prints will always be popular for offline communication. Especially for people who do not use online communication tools, a printed business card or flyer can be useful (Eigen onderneming starten, 2022). So, don't be scared to choose print work! In this article, you can read more about the different types of print work.

Printing business cards for your new company

Why are business cards so popular?

Business cards are often used by entrepreneurs. A business card is a small card with the contact information of a person or company on it. People or companies use these cards to quickly hand out their contact information. For entrepreneurs, it is useful to always have a couple of business cards with them, to allow a quick exchange of contact information.

The appearance of the perfect business cards

Make sure your business cards always look clean and clear! These cards are often seen as the first impression for doing business. Consider giving your business cards something unique. The standard size of a business card is 5,5 cm × 8,5 cm. In addition to the size, the paper type is also important. Always choose a firm, sturdy paper type! Also, business cards should always be printed double-sided when it has two pages. For designing your business card, you can use the online program Canva. Of course, there are also other programs in which you can design your cards.

Printing stickers for your own company

Using stickers as promotional material

You can use stickers to make your company stand out. They can be placed on a variety of objects to promote your business. For example, if you have an online clothing store, stickers allow your company to stay in the mind of the customer after the package has been delivered

Choosing the right size for your stickers

There are multiple shapes of stickers, such as:

  • Round

  • Square

  • Rectangular

  • Contour cut-out

As a company, you can choose between the different formats of stickers. Make sure that the text or logo is not too close to the edge, as this can lead to part of it being cut off during the production of your stickers.

Printing flyers for a new business

Designing clear flyers for your target audience

The last promotional material that is often used is the flyer. The goal of a flyer is to make people curious about its content. A flyer often contains information about a promotion or an event, but it can also be used for other purposes. Either way, the flyer is generally used to convey a short message to the target audience.

Benefits of using a flyer

1.      Widespread distribution, as a company you can choose where you want to distribute your flyers. For example, you can opt to hand out flyers in the three largest cities in the Netherlands.

2.      Immediate feedback, while handing out the flyers you can immediately see on their faces if they are interested. This way, you know right away if there is interest in the information you are conveying on your flyer. You can use this feedback to make changes to the content and appearance of future flyers.

3.      Free promotion, when you are handing out flyers you are also busy promoting your company. Your flyers most likely contain the name of your company, and people might look it up if the flyer made them curious.

Other promotional material in addition to business cards, stickers, and flyers

Besides business cards, stickers and flyers there are other types of print work that are used by companies such as brochures, posters, and magazines. These are promotional materials that can be used later on, at the start the business cards, stickers and flyers are most important. Moreover, these materials are the easiest and cheapest for companies!

Design your business card, sticker or flyer today

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