Promotiemateriaal (bedrukken)

(Printing) promotional material

Drawing attention to your products/services to increase revenue, almost every company does it. But why is promotion so important and what is considered promotional material? You can find the answers to that below.

Promotion and marketing

Promotion is often confused with advertising, but there is a difference. Promotion includes all activities that are undertaken to convince the target audience to buy a certain product, service, or brand. You can think of discount vouchers or free samples. These activities are often used to increase sales quickly and are more personal and cost-efficient than marketing. With advertising, it takes a lot longer before you will see a difference in the revenue, and therefore it costs a lot more. Advertising is a means of promotion that is used to get the public's attention for a certain product or service, via paid and selected media. So advertising is a form of promotion, but it is not the same thing.

Why promote?

Brand awareness is very important for your company. If your company is well known among the public, you are likely to sell more of your product or service. Promotion is not only about increasing revenue, but also about communication with your customers. By taking a more personal approach to your promotion, you can make your customers feel appreciated and thought of. In turn, this makes your customers more likely to want to do something for you as well.

Promotional materials

Promotional materials are materials used to inform potential customers about a product. There is a wide variety of means you can use to promote a product or service, both offline and online. Combining those will make the attention your company gets as broad as possible. Examples of online promotion are:

  • Social media


  • Google Adwords

  • E-mailĀ 

For offline promotional materials you can think of: